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Hotel / Motel Minibars

With their stylish and classic black exterior, the lockable minibars in our range are ideal for any hotel, motel or restaurant where a range of chilled food items and drinks needs to be available. They are compact and powerful but operate with the lowest possible noise, which is important to ensure your guests enjoy a good night’s sleep.

With both solid or glass door options available, our minibars are an attractive and efficient choice for accommodation operators and boardrooms. Made in Europe, you simply can’t beat the quality of these compact minibars for chilling milk, storing chocolates, or holding any other essentials that may be required by guests during their stay.

Contact us if you have any questions about our range, brands or models, or if you require a multi-door option or a different commercial refrigeration or storage solution for your business. Our friendly team would be more than happy to assist.

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