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Meeting Customer Expectations: How To Create Appealing Supermarket Refrigerated Sections

When it comes to food store designs, one aspect that requires the utmost attention is the refrigerated section. Chilled or frozen products are one of the household staples, so having an eye-catching refrigerated area can significantly impact customer satisfaction and drive sales.

With careful thought and creativity, the refrigerated section can go beyond its utilitarian purpose. It can also reflect the store’s dedication to quality, an extensive selection, and customer convenience.

In that aspect, this article will provide tips on creating a well-designed frozen-goods section that exceeds customer expectations.

  1. Strategise the refrigerated section layout

Your store layout is the initial impression that greets customers as they step inside. It’s the foundation of how customers perceive and interact with your products, potentially influencing buying behaviour. Therefore, it’s crucial to plan and strategise your refrigerated section layout carefully.

Start by assessing the store area, and then decide how many units you can accommodate without overwhelming the space. Then select the type of layout that suits your business image and perhaps personal preferences. Some of the most popular ones are the following:

  • Straight wall layout: This involves arranging a single row of cold storage at the wall, generally near the back or side of the store. It is the most common layout of refrigerator units because it allows for easy access to products.
  • Island layout: If you have the space available, an island layout allows you to create a focal point in the middle of the store.
  • U-shaped layout: As the name suggests, the U-shaped layout features three walls of refrigerators with an aisle in between. It eliminates the need for customers to backtrack and allows them to select products conveniently.
  • Loop layout: This circular or loop-shaped design is ideal for creating a continuous flow of customers.
  • Grid layout: This is an efficient way to organise your refrigerated area by placing freezers and chillers in rows. It’s ideal for emphasising your product range.

These are just some of the layout options available for your refrigerated section. As suggested earlier, it’s best not to cram too many units, which can lead to overcrowding. Remember, you want to make their shopping experience as pleasant as possible.

  • Choose the right units

After deciding on the layout, it’s time to select refrigerators that best fit your store. There’s a vast selection of fridge types today, from single to double doors. You need to pick the ones matching your customers’ needs and budget.

When choosing a unit, consider the following:

  • Capacity: Measure the area you allocated for your food and beverage items, and select a unit to accommodate them.
  • Energy-efficiency: Choose a refrigerator with an energy-efficiency rating to save on electricity costs.
  • Shelving: Some units come with adjustable shelves that allow you to rearrange the space for optimised product display.
  • Design: Select a model with an attractive design that’ll complement your store’s look.

You may also want to consider investing in customised refrigerators to maximise your store’s potential. There’s nothing better than having a unique unit that projects your brand’s personality.

  • Optimise product placement

Item placement is one of the most important parts of creating an enticing refrigerated area. It requires careful consideration, as it can make or break the customer’s journey.

To do this, focus on products you want to promote, such as your new products or those with a higher margin. Place these items at eye level, facing forward, and the other items in descending order to draw their eyes downward.

Make sure that the food and beverage labels are visible to customers. Consider using colour-coded labels and signages for easy navigation. Moreover, regularly rotate the products, rearrange the shelving, and diligently check for expiration dates. This approach helps maintain freshness and prevents items from becoming stale.

  • Highlight seasonal and promotional goods

Did you know New Zealanders love to buy discounted items, according to a market analyst? Who doesn’t, right?

Take advantage of this fact by highlighting seasonal goods in your refrigerated section. You can offer discounts or create promotions around these items to boost sales further. For example, you can bundle products and provide a price reduction or a ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ promo signage. Or perhaps, you can create a special display and put a spotlight on high-profit products. This strategy entices customers and allows them to make quick decisions.


Creating appealing and inviting supermarket refrigerated sections is part of the equation for success. With the right plan and strategy, you can consider it as an opportunity to surpass customer satisfaction and increase your store’s profitability.

Are you ready to level up your supermarket and delight customers? Visit to check out our selection of fridges with the best designs and features. We provide custom fridge solutions that perfectly fit your business. Get in touch with us today, and let us help you create a profitable refrigerated section.